John’s story: Without Wolves Foundation I would not be here today

John’s story: Without Wolves Foundation I would not be here today Image

As part of the Premier League’s Inside Matters campaign, we are showcasing the many ways in which Wolves Foundation are engaging with communities to raise awareness of mental health.

Head 4 Health has been supported by the Premier League and Professional Footballers’ Association’s Community Fund, which enables clubs across England and Wales to develop and deliver community programmes that are tailored to needs in their local area. The mental health project has also received additional funding from the City of Wolverhampton Council.

John is a lifelong Wolves fan and for over three years has been involved in the Head 4 Health programme, which aims to improve the mental well-being of adults through educational workshops and physical activity.

This is his story…

Warning: John’s story contains references to suicide

“I was diagnosed with depression some years ago,” says John. “In March 2018 I drove away from Wolverhampton and to the coast, where I intended to end it all. Fortunately, the rational side of my brain intervened and life settled down again.

“I retired from work later that year and found things to do until, in November 2019, I once again felt things were so hopeless that I drove away with the same intentions. This time, contacted by members of my family and community, the police intervened.

“I decided I needed some help. I went along to a session run by a local group. Listening to somebody talking to a group of 10-12 of us and then being told to look at leaflets did nothing for me.

“A chance encounter some days later saw me being referred to Head 4 Health. In January 2020 I drove to Molineux for my first meeting, having spent the previous few days coming up with every excuse and reason I could as to why I shouldn’t go. It took ages for me to walk through the door, when I did I found another nine blokes just like me.

“The staff were easy to talk to, they encouraged and advised us; it was a safe space. No recriminations. It immediately felt comforting. I left that evening feeling a little more optimistic – I had managed to talk a bit about my challenges and people listened without judgement.

“I returned the following week. We enjoyed the sessions, which were a mixture of talking, physical activities, and getting to know and understand each other – until COVID-19 hit. No meetings, in fact no anything. A low point just when things were starting to get a little better.

“But Head 4 Health then introduced online meetings; connections were made once more and we had something other than the daily walk or weekly shop to look forward to.

“After a while, Walk and Talk sessions were introduced. We got out of the house, we could exercise and talk. It was so good! We even got to feature in our own music video with footage of us walking around the park, talking and laughing. We sang “With A Little Help From My Friends”. This is one of my happiest memories.

“The Extra Time meetings have become a lifeline for me. An important aspect of these meetings is that everybody has a chance to talk. The rule is that we respect each other, respect what people have to say and we listen.

“Discussions take place and people can offer their support. I have found that although I am not the most talkative of the group, there are times when I can offer help to others. That is so important to me.

“These sessions are also used to bring in outside agencies to give talks and offer advice. From NHS nurses on prostate cancer, to drug and alcohol awareness, to the issues of gambling addictions, and a yoga session aimed at wellbeing. The added bonus is that these meetings take place overlooking the Molineux pitch!

“We come from different backgrounds with different experiences and facing different struggles. But, in that room on a Wednesday evening, we come together and there is no judgement. No struggle is too small and nothing is unimportant. We trust each other. Whatever is discussed and talked about in that room stays in that room, in our hearts, and in our minds.

“Head 4 Health has given me a place where I can talk and it has given me another community, another group to which I belong.

“We are being continuously enabled by Wolves to talk, something that is not always easy for men to do. But it is absolutely vital in helping us deal with mental health issues.

“Without Head 4 Health I have sincere doubts whether I would be here. Their impact on my life has been huge.

“It has been the mainstay of improving my mental health. Not only have I been able to enjoy the safe environment, I am also fortunate to access a 1-to-1 counselling course which enables me to get certain things clear in my head and help me understand why I felt as I did.

“The continuing contact with the team and those who attend are crucial to me. I know if I need to speak, somebody will be available. Sometimes I need someone who is a little more removed.

“Compared to where I was, I am in a much better place. I still have wobbles when certain outside influences affect me but I now have tools to manage these wobbles.”

You can see John’s full article ‘Speaking Up About Mental Health’ on the Goal Click website.


If you know someone who may need support with their mental health, or for more information on the Head 4 Health programme, please contact or call 07971 900257. 

John’s story was captured as part of a Premier League Charitable Fund and Goal Click collaboration to showcase the impact of the Premier League and Professional Footballers’ Association Community Fund.

"A football club is so important to the local community, especially when you’re a one-club city like we are, and the Foundation’s initiatives and activities are second to none."

Gary O'Neil | Wolves Head Coach

"Without Wolves Foundation I wouldn't be here today, that's for certain."

John Martin | Head 4 Health participant

"As a lifelong Wolves fan, to represent the Club and Foundation is something I'll cherish forever."

Daz James | Wolves Disability FC

"It is amazing to be out there meeting people and having some fun. It is really important for Wolves to have this connection with the fans and to see the happiness in their faces."

Toti Gomes | Wolves Defender

"Savannah absolutely loves the group. The staff are committed to making every single session fun and welcoming."

Natasha | Healthy Goals parent

"It’s special because it's my club and I’m so proud to be from Wolves as well. I can see the projects and all the work Wolves Foundation are doing and I know it makes such an impact, so to even be a little part of that and to help out where I can – it's so exciting."

Amber Sandhu | Broadcaster and Foundation Ambassador

"It’s huge for the school, I can’t speak highly enough of Wolves Foundation and the opportunities that they give us."

Mr Robinson | Woodsetton School

“I think all football clubs should be the beating heart of their communities and Wolves, through the Foundation, manages to do that."

Johnny Phillips | Sky Sports Presenter and Foundation Ambassador

"We get loads of different opportunities with a Premier League club. I feel really privileged to be a part of it."

Mustafa | Football & Education College Academy student

"Frank has Alzheimer’s Disease and when he was first diagnosed we felt lost and alone. Attending Molineux Memories is a lifeline for both of us; it is run by friendly, committed staff who ensure that everyone is included and enjoys themselves."

Frank and Alison | Molineux Memories

"To come here and be hands on with the kids is unreal. Working with Wolves and the Foundation is a blessing and I'm honoured. It feels surreal sometimes but it's the best feeling."

S-X | Music Producer and Foundation Ambassador

"It's good to give back what you got. Football and the Wolves Foundation help me, so I like to help the community."

Taye | Premier League Kicks

"Wolves has definitely helped my personal development, but now also helps me to develop people I work with. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the opportunities Wolves Foundation have given me."

Carl Ackasovs | Wolves Foundation

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