Fears conquered at Molineux Abseil

Fears conquered at Molineux Abseil Image

Wolves Foundation reached new heights at the weekend with the first ever Molineux Abseil which saw over 70 intrepid thrill-seekers take a leap of faith from the roof of the Billy Wright Stand.

A wide range of participants of all ages, including players from the Foundation’s Wolves Disability FC, conquered their fears to head up onto the roof before abseiling the 25 metres to pitchside, all for an excellent cause.

And among that number was none other than Wolves legend and club vice-president John Richards, who decided he wanted to take part from the moment he saw the Abseil promoted.

“I’ve seen Molineux from many different locations, but obviously not the roof, so, I when I saw details of the abseil, I said to my wife Pam that I wanted to do it,” said the former striker, who was accompanied on the way down by Foundation health officer Steve Maiden.

“It was a really well organised event and for such a fantastic cause as Wolves Foundation, who do so much fantastic work across the community.

“The first few steps off the roof were the difficult part, leaning back is where I felt a lot of tension, but once I started moving it was wonderful.”

Foundation’s community and cohesion officer Gavin Jones, who oversees the Disability set-up for the club’s official charity, is registered blind, but that didn’t stop him taking part, alongside team members including fellow Foundation employee Mark Bromley and players Darren, who has an artificial limb, Cameron, who is an upper arm amputee and Ethan.

“I was a little bit nervous beforehand, and was told I was pacing around a lot, but once I got going it was ok, and a brilliant experience,” says Gavin.

“It was great that a few of us linked to the Disability team were able to get involved and contribute towards the overall fundraising and help towards such a great total.”

At present, just over £17,000 has been raised from the event, which will be invested into the Foundation’s range of projects delivered to people of all ages and abilities across the city.

“We are really delighted to have been able to deliver the first ever Molineux Abseil, and for so many people to have supported the event either by taking part or making a donation has been fantastic,” says fundraising and events executive Laura Cahill.

“We had a range of people take part, from those that were fairly confident to others who were terrified but did amazingly well to conquer their fears, and there was such a supportive atmosphere from everyone on the day.

“I just want to thank everyone who took part or made a donation, and raised such a fantastic amount which will have a really positive impact on the work that the Foundation delivers in Wolverhampton.

“Everyone seemed to enjoy the experience and it is certainly an event we will be looking to put on again – so watch this space!”

The Foundation would also like to thank Redpoint, the climbing centre who helped deliver the event to make it such a success.

"A football club is so important to the local community, especially when you’re a one-club city like we are, and the Foundation’s initiatives and activities are second to none."

Gary O'Neil | Wolves Head Coach

"Without Wolves Foundation I wouldn't be here today, that's for certain."

John Martin | Head 4 Health participant

"As a lifelong Wolves fan, to represent the Club and Foundation is something I'll cherish forever."

Daz James | Wolves Disability FC

"It is amazing to be out there meeting people and having some fun. It is really important for Wolves to have this connection with the fans and to see the happiness in their faces."

Toti Gomes | Wolves Defender

"Savannah absolutely loves the group. The staff are committed to making every single session fun and welcoming."

Natasha | Healthy Goals parent

"It’s special because it's my club and I’m so proud to be from Wolves as well. I can see the projects and all the work Wolves Foundation are doing and I know it makes such an impact, so to even be a little part of that and to help out where I can – it's so exciting."

Amber Sandhu | Broadcaster and Foundation Ambassador

"It’s huge for the school, I can’t speak highly enough of Wolves Foundation and the opportunities that they give us."

Mr Robinson | Woodsetton School

“I think all football clubs should be the beating heart of their communities and Wolves, through the Foundation, manages to do that."

Johnny Phillips | Sky Sports Presenter and Foundation Ambassador

"We get loads of different opportunities with a Premier League club. I feel really privileged to be a part of it."

Mustafa | Football & Education College Academy student

"Frank has Alzheimer’s Disease and when he was first diagnosed we felt lost and alone. Attending Molineux Memories is a lifeline for both of us; it is run by friendly, committed staff who ensure that everyone is included and enjoys themselves."

Frank and Alison | Molineux Memories

"To come here and be hands on with the kids is unreal. Working with Wolves and the Foundation is a blessing and I'm honoured. It feels surreal sometimes but it's the best feeling."

S-X | Music Producer and Foundation Ambassador

"It's good to give back what you got. Football and the Wolves Foundation help me, so I like to help the community."

Taye | Premier League Kicks

"Wolves has definitely helped my personal development, but now also helps me to develop people I work with. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the opportunities Wolves Foundation have given me."

Carl Ackasovs | Wolves Foundation

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