Football’s universal language with Wolves Foundation

Football’s universal language with Wolves Foundation Image

An aspiring student from Portugal who moved over to England is setting off on the next stage of his education – thanks in no small part to his link-up with Wolves Foundation.

Anthony moved across to the UK several years ago and initially attended Aldersley School to take his GCSE’s before enrolling on the Foundation’s BTEC Sport course, run in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton College.

Among the many benefits of the course in helping Anthony shape his future, he has also dramatically improved his grasp of English, particularly fitting to mention today, which is the European Day of Languages.

“When I first came to study at Aldersley School, it was very hard as I didn’t know any English, only a few words,” Anthony recalls.

“As I learned English more, I was able to develop more and it really helped me to socialise with more people.

“At school or at college, you can learn English with the grammar and what you are supposed to say.

“But having chats with friends and coaches also really helps the learning of English and that has made a big difference.

“At first, I didn’t really talk to anyone, I had Portuguese and Spanish but was a bit shy especially with my English.

“There were people on the course who helped me and that has really helped me open up more and the BTEC itself has really helped me build new working relationships and learn within the world of football.”

The Foundation’s BTEC Sport course run with the college teaches students industry knowledge around areas including anatomy and physiology, sports coaching, sports science and performance analysis.

Available qualifications comprise the Level 2 Extended Certificate or a Level 3 National Foundation Diploma.

Alongside the educational delivery the course offers many other enrichment opportunities, including playing regular fixtures against other professional clubs, visits to Molineux and the Compton Park training ground, and even the opportunity to play on the pitch at the stadium.

“Getting to enjoy those opportunities has been really awesome,” adds Anthony.

“Also, we won our league which meant we got to go to Wembley to watch the Championship play-off final which was another unique opportunity.

“And then playing on the pitch at Molineux – having that excitement of being out there and knowing what that feels like was brilliant.”

Anthony completed the Level 3 qualification which has now paved the way for him to study a Sports Business degree at the University Campus of Football Business (UFCB) in Manchester.

“When I first came over, I was only really interested in business and not sport but the course has helped me realise what I want to do with a mixture of football, sport and finance,” he adds.

 “The Foundation BTEC has been very good for my development especially with being an international student, and I would definitely recommend it.”

For more details about the Foundation’s BTEC course please email

"A football club is so important to the local community, especially when you’re a one-club city like we are, and the Foundation’s initiatives and activities are second to none."

Gary O'Neil | Wolves Head Coach

"Without Wolves Foundation I wouldn't be here today, that's for certain."

John Martin | Head 4 Health participant

"As a lifelong Wolves fan, to represent the Club and Foundation is something I'll cherish forever."

Daz James | Wolves Disability FC

"It is amazing to be out there meeting people and having some fun. It is really important for Wolves to have this connection with the fans and to see the happiness in their faces."

Toti Gomes | Wolves Defender

"Savannah absolutely loves the group. The staff are committed to making every single session fun and welcoming."

Natasha | Healthy Goals parent

"It’s special because it's my club and I’m so proud to be from Wolves as well. I can see the projects and all the work Wolves Foundation are doing and I know it makes such an impact, so to even be a little part of that and to help out where I can – it's so exciting."

Amber Sandhu | Broadcaster and Foundation Ambassador

"It’s huge for the school, I can’t speak highly enough of Wolves Foundation and the opportunities that they give us."

Mr Robinson | Woodsetton School

“I think all football clubs should be the beating heart of their communities and Wolves, through the Foundation, manages to do that."

Johnny Phillips | Sky Sports Presenter and Foundation Ambassador

"We get loads of different opportunities with a Premier League club. I feel really privileged to be a part of it."

Mustafa | Football & Education College Academy student

"Frank has Alzheimer’s Disease and when he was first diagnosed we felt lost and alone. Attending Molineux Memories is a lifeline for both of us; it is run by friendly, committed staff who ensure that everyone is included and enjoys themselves."

Frank and Alison | Molineux Memories

"To come here and be hands on with the kids is unreal. Working with Wolves and the Foundation is a blessing and I'm honoured. It feels surreal sometimes but it's the best feeling."

S-X | Music Producer and Foundation Ambassador

"It's good to give back what you got. Football and the Wolves Foundation help me, so I like to help the community."

Taye | Premier League Kicks

"Wolves has definitely helped my personal development, but now also helps me to develop people I work with. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the opportunities Wolves Foundation have given me."

Carl Ackasovs | Wolves Foundation

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