Players and Paralympians showcase Premier League project

Players and Paralympians showcase Premier League project Image

If you can see it, you can be it.

That was the message from multiple gold medallist Laura Sugar MBE as she joined fellow Paralympian Jack Eyers, and Wolves stars Nelson Semedo, Rodrigo Gomes, Tammi George, Anna Morphet and Beth Roberts at a special event at the Compton Park training ground.

Wolves Foundation were invited to showcase the Super Movers for Every Body campaign, the result of a partnership between the Premier League, the BBC and Paralympics GB to use the inspiration of footballers and athletes to engage with disabled children and those with special educational needs in sport and physical activity.

Currently, 1.5 million children in England have special educational needs or are disabled, but only one in four disabled children take part in physical activity at school. Super Movers for Every Body is designed to tackle this issue and get everybody moving.

“It was wonderful to be asked to showcase the Super Movers for Every Body campaign and to see participants have an opportunity that they might otherwise not have been able to enjoy,” says Tom Warren, senior manager with Wolves Foundation.

“Part of our job at the Foundation is to aim to ensure that all of our delivery including sport, especially in schools, is accessible to everybody and is creating opportunities, which is such a key part of our vision.

“This event involved participants with different special education needs and disabilities taking part in activities which were completely inclusive, and having the opportunity to meet two hugely successful Paralympians such as Laura and Jack was particularly special.

“Laura made a really great point, saying that the reason she became a Paralympian originated from when she was watching the Games in London back in 2012.

“She saw someone that she thought was just like her, and was inspired by it, to the extent that she went on to become a multiple gold medallist.

“For our participants getting the chance to meet Laura and Jack can have that same effect, and who knows where it might eventually lead?”

Laura, who competes in canoeing having previously been involved in track and field, secured her second successive gold medal in the KL3 200m event in Paris, and has now set her sights on making it a hat trick at Los Angeles in 2028.

Jack, also a canoeist, won silver in the paralympics in the Men’s VL3 200m, following on from being a double world champion in recent years.

Both were joined by Wolves’ Portuguese pairing of Nelson and Rodrigo from the men’s team, and Tammi, Anna and Beth from Wolves Women, to meet participants and take part in different activities including blind football, boccia – a target ball sport which tests both muscle control and accuracy – and para athletics.

Those three activities from part of the new Super Movers for Every Body initiative, for which the Premier League are funding free equipment packs to help schools deliver inclusive sports activities for all students aged between five and 11.  The packs contain a range of equipment including audio balls and foam javelins as well as resource cards designed to facilitate the various activities.

Through the Premier League’s Primary Stars programme, over 100 local schools and more than 4,000 participants are engaged on a weekly basis.  This initiative brings together both mainstream and SEND pupils, creating an inclusive environment where students of all abilities can participate in a wide range of sports.  Activities such as blind football, boccia and para athletics not also foster teamwork, skill development and confidence, they also promote social inclusion and provide an opportunity for SEND pupils to excel in sports tailored to their needs, alongside their peers.

“We at the Premier League love sport and we know the joy that sport can bring for young people,” says Nick Perchard, director of community at the Premier League.

“We also know the power it brings in terms of learning development, teamwork, social skills, making friendships, mental health and so much more.”

Wolves Foundation deliver over 15 multi-sport tournaments every year, including dedicated SEND-focused tournaments, offering pupils from across the city the opportunity to compete, enjoy sport and engage with others in a supportive and empowering environment.

“This event was such a fantastic opportunity for us at the Foundation as it fits so perfectly with our approach and vision about delivering projects which are inclusive for all,” adds Tom.

“It was also great for the young people to meet Laura and Jack, so soon after their medal success in Paris, and our own Wolves players, who are also fantastic role models to aspire to.

“Having the players attend our projects offers so many benefits both in helping us to raise awareness, but also giving participants such positive experiences, and we really appreciate their time and the way they were so engaging throughout the event.”

"A football club is so important to the local community, especially when you’re a one-club city like we are, and the Foundation’s initiatives and activities are second to none."

Gary O'Neil | Wolves Head Coach

"Without Wolves Foundation I wouldn't be here today, that's for certain."

John Martin | Head 4 Health participant

"As a lifelong Wolves fan, to represent the Club and Foundation is something I'll cherish forever."

Daz James | Wolves Disability FC

"It is amazing to be out there meeting people and having some fun. It is really important for Wolves to have this connection with the fans and to see the happiness in their faces."

Toti Gomes | Wolves Defender

"Savannah absolutely loves the group. The staff are committed to making every single session fun and welcoming."

Natasha | Healthy Goals parent

"It’s special because it's my club and I’m so proud to be from Wolves as well. I can see the projects and all the work Wolves Foundation are doing and I know it makes such an impact, so to even be a little part of that and to help out where I can – it's so exciting."

Amber Sandhu | Broadcaster and Foundation Ambassador

"It’s huge for the school, I can’t speak highly enough of Wolves Foundation and the opportunities that they give us."

Mr Robinson | Woodsetton School

“I think all football clubs should be the beating heart of their communities and Wolves, through the Foundation, manages to do that."

Johnny Phillips | Sky Sports Presenter and Foundation Ambassador

"We get loads of different opportunities with a Premier League club. I feel really privileged to be a part of it."

Mustafa | Football & Education College Academy student

"Frank has Alzheimer’s Disease and when he was first diagnosed we felt lost and alone. Attending Molineux Memories is a lifeline for both of us; it is run by friendly, committed staff who ensure that everyone is included and enjoys themselves."

Frank and Alison | Molineux Memories

"To come here and be hands on with the kids is unreal. Working with Wolves and the Foundation is a blessing and I'm honoured. It feels surreal sometimes but it's the best feeling."

S-X | Music Producer and Foundation Ambassador

"It's good to give back what you got. Football and the Wolves Foundation help me, so I like to help the community."

Taye | Premier League Kicks

"Wolves has definitely helped my personal development, but now also helps me to develop people I work with. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the opportunities Wolves Foundation have given me."

Carl Ackasovs | Wolves Foundation

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